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Friday, August 31, 2012


Possibly one of the funniest moments with mom and dad and the whole diaper changing idea. I posted about it on Facebook. Here's what I said, "Little man peed all over the couch while getting his bum changed. So we decided it was a great time for a bath. Immediately after putting a diaper on, he proceeded to fill it. While dad was changing him, he decided to pee all over. Again. I love being a mom." But truly, I do.

I'm starting to make piles of clothes the little man has outgrown. I literally cried when I was pulling things out of the dresser. Cory laughs because he thinks I am too emotional about this sort of thing. Which might be a little true. But it is sad for me as a mom that my little baby is outgrowing newborn stuff. It's barely been 3 weeks.

The little man is starting to sleep through the night. Which is a wonderful thing. It's not every night, but it's great when it happens. Most nights he gets up to nurse around 3:30 or 4. And with a 9 pm bedtime, that is a solid 6 hours. I also caught him laughing, yeah, full on laughing in his sleep. It was glorious.

Soccer season is starting up again and I am super excited. Although. We only have 20 spots on the varsity team, and two of them are for keepers, 16 spots on the JV team, and about 50 girls at try-outs. But with all the talent we have, it is going to be a wonderful season. I am very excited.

I headed back to work this month. The good news is, it will only be part time every day. 10:30-2:30. And extra lucky for us, dad gets to stay home and be with you. The schedule actually works out well. He can meet me in Orem just in time for me to nurse for a bit, then onto soccer. The girls absolutely love having a mini-mascot around. We got Ace matching onzies to the team's t-shirts.