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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring has sprung!

So this will be short and sweet. After some time cleaning my house this morning I decided to take a small break before I needed to shower and head to work. I am photographering at the Blaze game tonight. Hence the work free morning. I went outside to check the mail before taking my break and noticed how absolutely gorgeous it is outside. After dropping the mail and grabbing my laptop I headed back outside, uncovered the couch we left on the porch, partially cause we didn't want to carry it downstairs and the other part cause we decided it would be nice to sit on during the summer. We were right. It is very nice to sit on when the weather is so nice. Thought I'd brag about how beautiful it is and how lucky I am to be able to take advantage today.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Color Much?

This weekend, my sister invited the family to the Hare Krishna Festival of Color. It was a blast. And an absolute mess but that made it so much better. I think it was a Hare Krishna leader who explained the festivals origins. Basically himself and about 5 other people started it 15 years ago by just what they do today. Throwing colored powders at each other as a celebration of the beginning of spring. So that's just what we did. We bought a bunch of bags of colored corn starch. Sounds messy and it is, but it's non toxic, taste funny, and doesn't ruin any clothing (although if you wear white you're likely to have tinted clothing). The boys were a little hesitant at first, but a handful of purple and yellow and permission to "throw it at dad" and they were sold. We stayed long enough to witness one color throwing where everyone in attendance throws handfuls of colored starch in the air at the same time completely blotting out the sun, and get more or less completely colored. Then headed to Cracker Barrel for a bite to eat. We had a blast. If you've never been to the festival it's too bad you missed it this year, but come next spring ask around or pay attention to the news and go enjoy an hour of color. It's free to attend, but colored starch will cost about $12 (for 6 bags).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moving In!!!

So we bought a house. What comes with that? Moving. Yay! Ok that might be a little sarcastic. I HATE moving. I love the new house. I love new adventures. I love new neighbors and new people. I HATE moving. Packing and hauling and cleaning and unpacking. Ugh. Not my favorite, but alas, it had to be done. So we started off the morning bright and early. Picked up the moving truck at 7am. My grandparents came to help us load up. We got everything into the moving truck and headed out by 10:30. Surprisingly we have a lot of stuff for just two people. Unfortunately when we got to the new house, it was just us. Cory, with a healing (but still weakened) shoulder and me. Another surprise, we got everything into the house in a little over 3 hours. That's when Cory had to leave to take the truck back and head to work for the evening leaving me to do what I do best, Organize. To be completely honest I was exhausted. I did get the living room mostly sorted out. And also put a chunk into the kitchen and bedroom. It still needs some work, but this is one adventure I am very glad we are taking together. We still have no window coverings, so the first night in our new house is going to be very interesting. Wish us luck!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pictures as promised: Our new house!

Oh...  How cute! Our first house.

The living room.

Cute kitchen!

It might look like a spare room, but Cory has claimed it as an office.

So this one will be the spare room.

Master bedroom, with a weird mini closet. Must be for all my extra jackets.

Main bathroom. At the top of the stairs.

Master bathroom. A little small, but it'll do. Cause it's in our very own house.

Now that's a closet. Well half of it. And ok so it needs a little work.

Cory's favorite part. the unfinished basement. That I've given him permission to do whatever he wants with.

Catch up over the last 2 years

Ok so here is a little back story on the last 2 years. Cory and I met in basic training for the army. We then moved onto AIT together where we became very close. After returning home in June (and promises from him during training to move when we got back) I realized I wanted to be with him. It took him a few months, all the way till September, to tie up his loose ends in North Dakota before making the move to Utah. Once here he fell right in and instantly became a part of the family. After a deployment scare in December, he asked my father for my hand. In May we were married. It's now almost been a year and we are about to close on our first house. We got very lucky and found a great deal on a foreclosure in Eagle Mountain, Utah. We spoke with our mortgage consultant on Friday and he thinks we will have keys no later than the 21st. Perhaps earlier. I am so excited! I can hardly wait. Even if packing is last on my list of things I want to do. Pictures will follow.