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Monday, March 28, 2011

Color Much?

This weekend, my sister invited the family to the Hare Krishna Festival of Color. It was a blast. And an absolute mess but that made it so much better. I think it was a Hare Krishna leader who explained the festivals origins. Basically himself and about 5 other people started it 15 years ago by just what they do today. Throwing colored powders at each other as a celebration of the beginning of spring. So that's just what we did. We bought a bunch of bags of colored corn starch. Sounds messy and it is, but it's non toxic, taste funny, and doesn't ruin any clothing (although if you wear white you're likely to have tinted clothing). The boys were a little hesitant at first, but a handful of purple and yellow and permission to "throw it at dad" and they were sold. We stayed long enough to witness one color throwing where everyone in attendance throws handfuls of colored starch in the air at the same time completely blotting out the sun, and get more or less completely colored. Then headed to Cracker Barrel for a bite to eat. We had a blast. If you've never been to the festival it's too bad you missed it this year, but come next spring ask around or pay attention to the news and go enjoy an hour of color. It's free to attend, but colored starch will cost about $12 (for 6 bags).


  1. Looks like great fun,, such simple fun.. can you color me a shirt permanently like yours....Gram

  2. You are crazy! But it does sound like fun.

  3. United Colors! I love the fact that everyone is so willing to get dirty. Happy Spring... may you be blessed with many colors.
