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Friday, February 7, 2014

5 weeks and counting!

5 weeks (give or take) is all we have left until our new little man joins our family. We are so so so excited. But man has this one been so different.

When I was pregnant the first time, I was sick enough to not be able to keep food down for about 6 weeks. The doctor put me on some drugs and I was more or less fine for those 6 weeks.

This time, I was sick for over 5 months. And the drugs did not help as much. Even on morning sickness drugs, I was throwing up at least twice a day. I tried everything. Teas, herbal supplements, prescriptions. Some things helped more than others, but certainly nothing seemed to fix it.

My first pregnancy, I spent the second trimester in bliss. I wasn't sick anymore. I wasn't uncomfortable yet. I didn't show until after 5 months, so no one could really really tell I was pregnant.

Again, this second time was different. I went straight from throwing up to being super uncomfortable. Turns out this second baby is sitting a little differently and sometimes he pinches off my sciatic nerve causing my hips to hurt so much I can barely move or my legs go mostly numb. Sleeping is awkward too. I get about 20 minutes of comfort on either side before I need to switch.

With my first, my water broke at home at about 3 in the morning and I spent 8 hours in labor, 2 and a half pushing, then we had a beautiful little perfect baby boy to take home. Thank goodness we didn't have any complications.

With this pregnancy, well, that remains to be seen, but I can only hope for the best right?

Aceson was due on the 19th and came on the 20th. We had a friend who Cory guessed their baby would be born the 20th, and he was. Baby #2 is due on the 19th and we are hoping for the 20th. Ironically, that is Cory's favorite and lucky number. He's 2/2 with a pending 3rd.

Mostly we are just very excited and I am super anxious. If you are a parent, particular a mom, you know these last few weeks go the slowest. The anticipation is killer. But so worth it in the end. We are so excited that our family is getting bigger and seriously can't wait for this baby. Not only for the baby, but because of how excited we are for Aceson to have a little brother.

Here's to a quick 5 (ish) weeks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you baby!! My baby will be 2 in 3 weeks i can hardly believe it! 2nd labor does usually go much faster cuz our body has a clue what its done before :) I know coming from the wife of a Chiopracto go get adjusted seems obvioius...but I had TONS of sciatic pain when pregnant with Londyn. And it made labor insanly painful. I did my first birth drug free and couldnt the second time cuz of the sciatic pain! but during pregnancy the only thing that helped was getting adjusted...God speed and good luck!
